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  • Writer's pictureJoshua Li

30. Cabinet Battle #2 (video)

Updated: Sep 2, 2023

Similar to Cabinet Battle 1, this song features a rap battle between Jefferson and Hamilton, except this time they are debating whether to provide aid to France or not.

A little bit of context before we analyze the song: inspired by American's revolution against the British empire, France also rose to fight against their monarchy. There are many causes to the French Revolution, but the 2 main factors are:

  1. The middle class was excluded from political power

  2. The king sought to increase the tax burden on the poor and expand it to classes that were exempt before

As peasants took up arms to fight against the French army, surrounding countries (who were all monarchies) became worried that the French Revolution will inspire the peasants in their own country to revolt. One country in particular, England, sought to help France squash the revolt before ideas of revolution could spread into their country. This is where America comes into play.

Thomas Jefferson, a member of the Democratic-Republican party, is very pro-France. He was the U.S Minister to France during the American Revolution, in which he spent many years in France during the war. His argument was that when America desperately needed help against Britain during the American Revolution, France was willing to provide aid. It wouldn't be wrong to say that without France, America would've never beaten Britain in the war. In return, America would pay France, but also promised to provide aid in fights to weaken Britain (France also hates the British).

Hamilton on the other hand, a member of the Federalist party, is very pro-economy. Most of the time this meant supporting the British and trading with them, and this time was no different. However, Hamilton's argument lies elsewhere. Rather than considering the state of France, Hamilton focuses on the state of America, who, having just underwent a war, is in financial debt. For the sake of America's economy, Hamilton argues to not aid France in the war as America itself is disorganized.

In summary, Jefferson argues to stay true to America's principles to help countries recognize their independence. Hamilton stays rational and prioritizes the state of their country before they help anyone else. In the end, Hamilton wins and America stays neutral during the French Revolution and French-England war.


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